Dental hygiene by age


A healthy, bright smile holds no secrets for the toothbrush magnates.


In fact, we assure you that good dental hygiene is based on simple principles such as thoroughness and consistency. Of course, teeth can't be cleaned by themselves three times a day, so you have to think about it and develop good dental hygiene habits. Nevertheless, each age has different needs in terms of cleaning steps to be taken. 


First of all, let's start with newborns. Around the age of six months, your little baby's milk teeth will start to form and this will cause some discomfort. There are effective techniques to relieve this discomfort such as teething rings or gum gel. At this age, brushing is recommended twice a day with a soft-bristled brush and a suitable fluoride toothpaste. 


Later, as your child grows, it is necessary to teach him or her to make the proper brushing movements so that it becomes automatic. His baby teeth will grow in until his primary teeth erupt, which is about 11 years old. It's important to teach your child the importance of brushing at least twice a day and to be present at each brushing. A fluoride toothpaste appropriate to his age is required to protect his teeth.


Then, we move on to the ungrateful age: adolescence. During this period, our teenagers tend to voluntarily forget their dental and other hygiene. Nevertheless, we must not give up and encourage them to brush their teeth three times a day and to complete with dental floss for the hard-to-reach surfaces. 


As an adult, you should maintain a brushing rhythm of three times a day and not hesitate to treat your gums with mouthwashes several times a week. The use of dental floss is recommended as a complement, but be careful to avoid bleeding caused by invasive use. 


Finally, at older ages, it may be wise to invest in an electric brush when mobility is reduced. Tooth loss is a concern, but it can be avoided if periodontal disease and root caries are not given time to develop. Regular brushing with a suitable toothpaste will keep your natural teeth healthy. 


Last but not least, dental hygiene is also about paying attention to what you eat and having healthy habits. As a matter of fact, foods with a high sugar rate, smoking and alcohol consumption are to be avoided for an attractive smile and healthy teeth.

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