Dental inlay


Everything you need to know about dental inlays

If you have a damaged or decayed tooth, a dental inlay may be a treatment option for you. In this article, we will explain what dental inlays are, the different types that exist, and their benefits and costs.


What is a dental inlay?

A dental inlay is a dental restoration that is used to replace a missing part of a tooth, often a cavity that is too large for a simple filling, but not large enough to require a dental crown. Dental inlays are custom-made in a dental laboratory from ceramic, gold or other similar materials and then bonded into the prepared cavity of the tooth.


Types of dental inlays

There are several types of dental inlays, including ceramic, gold and composite. Ceramic inlays have the advantage of being stain resistant, perfectly matching the color of the tooth and being more aesthetically pleasing than other types. Gold inlays are long-lasting and wear-resistant, while composite inlays are less expensive and can be fabricated directly on the tooth.


Benefits of dental inlays

Dental inlays have many advantages over other dental treatment options. First, they are custom-made to fit the damaged tooth perfectly, which ensures better adhesion and durability. Inlays are also less invasive than crowns because they preserve as much of the healthy tooth structure as possible, which means less healthy tooth tissue must be removed. Finally, inlays have a natural appearance and are stain resistant, which means they can last for many years with proper care.


What is the difference between an inlay and an onlay?

An inlay and an onlay are two types of dental restorations used to repair damaged or decayed teeth, but they differ slightly in size and scope.

An inlay is a dental restoration that is used to repair a cavity that is too large to be filled with a simple filling, but not large enough to require a dental crown. An inlay is custom-made in a dental laboratory from ceramic or precious metal, then cemented into the prepared cavity of the tooth.

An onlay is similar to an inlay, but it is used to restore a larger portion of the tooth, often involving the chewing area of the tooth. An onlay covers the cusp (upper part of the tooth) and can extend over the surface of the tooth to replace a missing or damaged part. It is also custom-made in a dental laboratory from materials similar to those used for inlays.



Dental inlays are an excellent dental treatment option for people with cavities or damaged teeth. They are custom-made to fit the damaged tooth perfectly, preserve as much of the healthy tooth structure as possible, look natural, and are stain resistant. Cheeze is well equipped to perform high quality dental inlays at reasonable prices. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and find out how we can help you get your smile back.


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